Does the School have an Enrolment Zone?

Yes Oromahoe School does have an Enrolment Zone.  Please click here for information on our Enrolment Scheme.

How do I enrol my child?

All parents/ caregivers will be asked to complete an enrolment form for their children, providing information of emergency contacts, email addresses and any medical conditions your child may have.  A Birth Certificate or Passport must be provided (a copy will be made in accordance to Ministry of Education requirements), proof of address and immunisation status recorded. An enrolment form can be collected from the School Office. 

What are the school 's hours?

Classes start at 8.45am and finish for the day at 2.45pm. Morning tea is from 11 am to 11.30am and lunch is from 12.50pm to 1.30pm.

Please note children may arrive no earlier than 8.15am. Children will be supervised between the hours of 8.15am and 3.15pm on school days, unless by prior arrangement. Outside these hours the BOT and staff accept no responsibility for supervision of your children. 

Is there a school bus?

A school bus is available free for children who live within the school bus zone. Other students may go on the afternoon bus into Kerikeri township (if space permits) for a small payment per trip. Please check with the office manager to see if your children is eligible for the free bus run. All students using the bus require a bus pass.  A bus behaviour agreement must be signed by students and their parents before they start using the bus. Car pooling is also an option and we are happy to advertise this in the newsletter.

What stationery does my child need?

The school provides the basic stationery required for our classroom programmes at a set price that is charged to families each year.  This ensures students are all well prepared from the outset with quality products  and can focus on their learning. If you wish to source stationery yourself please ask the office for a list. 

Does the School have a uniform?

Oromahoe School does not have a uniform.  Children are encouraged to wear clothing that is comfortable and appropriate for the season. Please ensure that all clothing is named

Sunhats are compulsory in Terms 1 & 4. Sun smart hats with a brim (no caps) are acceptable. 

Children are provided with a sports polo shirt  and/or jacket when representing the school at interschool events.

How does the School communicate with parents/ caregivers and the school community?

Newsletters are  published fortnightly on a Friday. Newsletters are emailed to families in line with our Enviroschool philosophy. Please see the office if you would like to receive a hard copy. They are also uploaded onto the website.  The school Facebook page is also updated regularly with notices and learning updates.

Teachers communicate individual class notices through email and Seesaw. Please see your child's class teacher to connect to their Seesaw journal.

Parents are invited to contribute to a three way discussion about progress and goals for their children during the first and/or second terms. Written reports will be issued mid year and at the end of the year. Teachers are happy to discuss any matter regarding your child at a mutually convenient time. Please check with your child's teacher to make arrangement for this. Tuesday/Wednesday afternoons are designated for staff meetings from 3.15 so please consider this when arranging to meet teachers. 

How can I communicate with my child's teacher?

Your teacher's email address can be found here. Alternatively you can leave a message at the school office on (09) 4077834 or email to  office@oromahoe.school.nz  asking for the teacher to call or email you back.

How does the school manage student behaviour?

Oromahoe School  is a PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning ) school. Positive Behaviour for Learning is built on the principles that positive behaviour can be learnt and that environments can be changed to support effective teaching and learning for every child and student. It also reflects the belief that school settings play a major role in fostering well-being and creating safe, healthy communities.  The New Zealand Curriculum requires that teaching and learning recognises, supports, and builds on all students’ identities, languages, cultures, and abilities. PB4L helps to develop inclusive learning environments that enable all children and students:  to participate, to be engaged , to achieve , to belong. Well-being, learning, and behaviour are interlinked. A respectful, inclusive learning environment enables children and students to express their needs and feelings in positive ways that do not set up barriers to learning or achievement. 

How can parents get involved with the School?

Help is always appreciated! You can get involved in the school festival committees,  working bees, the library,  the resource room, providing transport for school trips and assisting in the classroom or school grounds. Your children are the winners here as they see the example of their parents/caregivers being involved in their community. Please see your child's teacher if you would like to volunteer.

My child is absent, what do I need to do?

Please contact the school office before 9am on (09) 4077834/ text 027 715 7328 / email office@oromahoe.school.nz or CLICK HERE to report an absence.

Does the school provide lunches?

Oromahoe School is not part of the Governement's 'Lunches in Schools Sheme'.

Periodically, a fundraising sausage sizzle may be offered. You will be advised when this  happens. 

Children eat their morning tea and lunch seated together and supervised by the classroom teacher. The classroom teacher will help to ensure the children eat their food. We prefer children to drink water as opposed to soda or juice. Water is readily available at all times. We also support you to limit the amount of sugar and artificial colourings in food and to send plenty of fresh whole foods. 

We have a zero waste goal at school, so students will take home any wrappers and containers. Children are encouraged to use recyclable packaging and "nude food" where possible.

How does the school use digital devices?

Oromahoe School takes a balanced approach using digital technology for learning. The school has WiFi throughout and students have supervised access to devices as a learning tool when necessary. Further information on WiFi in New Zealand schools can be found here.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is a tool integrated within the delivery of the New Zealand curriculum. A signed Internet Use Agreement is required for students to access the internet at school. The Internet Use Policy is reviewed at the start of each new year and will be sent home in hardcopy. It is also available from the school office for new enrolments to complete during the year.

Can my child bring their own device to school?

There is no need for your child to bring their own device to school. Students have supervised access to Chrome Books and iPads. Senior students will be issued their own school email address. Cell phone use is not permitted at school.